Thursday, September 11, 2008


School is great, and a little busy. Work is good. I recently sprained my ankle which is no fun. I will be aunt to a nephew in a month or two. I like white gravy. I went to the zoo in Logan on Labor day. It was a lot of fun. There were lots of birds and mammals. There were some cute wallabies at the zoo. They look like minature kangaroos. I have taken some fun pictures. What animal is seen in this picture? Hope everyone is well.


Eric and Caralee said...

mmmm, white gravy. You know just this morning I was thinking biscuits and gravy for breakfast sounded really good!

Jeanne Evans said...

Well you can tell we're not roommates anymore, since I didn't know that you sprained your ankle. And I didn't know that you guys went to the zoo on labor day weekend. Sad huh?

Sharla said...

Koala? Monkey? Caterpillar? I give up. Have a great day. I like peaches.

Jeanne Evans said...

Koala maybe...I like baked beans!

It's just Barb said...

I'm glad to hear that life is good. Sorry about the ankle. I understand how frustrating that can be. Hope you heal quickly.

Ruth said...

There is a shape of a bunny in the right corner.

Words of Wisdom

The effect of our words and acts is tremendous in this world. Every moment of life you are changing to a degree the lives of the whole world. … So, it’s not the surroundings, it isn’t the positions; the thing that will influence [others] in this world, are personalities. No matter what you are people will feel and recognize this. You radiate, you can’t hide it. You may pretend something else, but that will not affect people.
David O. Mckay
Chapter 24: “Let Your Light So Shine”, Teachings of Presidents of the Church: David O. McKay, 225