Tuesday, January 15, 2008

USU adventures

The last few weeks have been fun and interesting. I move to Logan a week and half ago. It was funny though. I got lost three times though. I missed the exit I need so I had to ask for directions. It has been fun going to school in Logan. It is a lot bigger than Vernal and Ephraim. I like it despite its largeness and it being the winter.

So on the 12 of January I went to my first USU basketball game. It was fun. I learned the school song.
It is:
Show me the Scotsman who doesn't love the thistle, show me the Englishman who doesn't love the rose, show me the true blooded aggie from Utah, who doesn't love the spot where the sage brush grows. Show me the Scotsman who doesn't love the thistle, show me the Englishman who doesn't love the rose,show me the true blooded aggie from Utah, who doesn't love the spot where the sage brush grows.
It was fun singing and doing the actions. Well until next time.

Words of Wisdom

The effect of our words and acts is tremendous in this world. Every moment of life you are changing to a degree the lives of the whole world. … So, it’s not the surroundings, it isn’t the positions; the thing that will influence [others] in this world, are personalities. No matter what you are people will feel and recognize this. You radiate, you can’t hide it. You may pretend something else, but that will not affect people.
David O. Mckay
Chapter 24: “Let Your Light So Shine”, Teachings of Presidents of the Church: David O. McKay, 225